14 records found


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# Cat.ReferenceTitleYear
1 ArchPH/2/118Peter Pears in Berlin1956
2 ArchPH/2/119Peter Pears in Berlin1956
3 ArchPH/2/120Peter Pears in Berlin1956
4 ArchPH/2/121Peter Pears in Berlin1956
5 ArchPH/2/122Peter Pears in Berlin1956
6 ArchPH/2/141Peter Pears in Berlin1960
7 ArchPH/2/142Peter Pears in Berlin1960
8 ArchPH/2/196Peter Pears in Berlin recital1968
9 ArchPH/2/197Peter Pears in Berlin recital1968
10 ArchPH/2/198Peter Pears in Berlin recital1968
11 ArchPH/2/199Peter Pears in Berlin recital1968
12 ArchPH/3/73Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears in Berlin, Germany1964
13 ArchPH/3/74Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears in Berlin, Germany1964
14 ArchPH/3/137Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears in Berlin1957